Nõmme Snowpark rules


Please buy a mountain ticket from the box office at the gate or from the box office of the rental house through the window!


  • Please take the number from the box office at the gate and we will call for rent based on the number.
  • Only the lessee (s) of the equipment and, if necessary, a maximum of one escort may enter the rental house.
  • When entering the rental house, please head immediately to the left cash desk and start renting the equipment from there.


  • Only takeaways
  • You can store your belongings on the shelf of the café.

In case of possible signs of illness, please stay at home!

Follow the rules of Nõmme Snow Park and the instructions of the employees. We all contribute so that we can enjoy the joys of winter in Nõmme Snow Park.


Nõmme Snow Park has three lighted slopes that are maintained on a day-to-day basis and all of them have lifts.

Nõmme Snow Park, located in Tallinn's highest geographical point, is the biggest mountain sport training centre in Estonia. We offer mountain ski and snowboard regular weekly trainings as well as private lessons for beginners and advanced students. In addition to that Nõmme Snow Park hosts annual Slopestyle Jam competition and throughout the winter different camps and competitions for children in skiing and snowboarding.


  • Riding in Snow Park is at your own responsibility.
  • Do not stop or sit down mid-slope or in a narrow place.
  • When walking on the slope, keep to the edge.
  • Always wear the helmet.
  • If you fall down, rise as quickly as you can.
  • Choose the speed and attractions according to the level of your skill.
  • Before going down the freestyle park area, always make sure that all the jumps and rails you intend to use are in good working order and in accordance with your personal skill level.
  • Snow Park is not responsible for the breakdown of your equipment when riding the diffrent obstacles in freestyle park. 
  • Using the lift when on snowboard demands experience.
  • In case of fall from the ski lift, let go of the lift immediately, move to the side and free the trail.
  • Getting off the lift takes place only in the place signified for the purpose.
  • Sledging is forbidden in Snow Park.
  • It is forbidden to visit the Snow Park when under influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Snow Park has the right to refuse providing services to the clients not following the rules set up by the Park.


  • The guarantee for the rent is a personal identification document (passport, ID-card, driving licence) or 400€ per equipment.
  • We apologize for not accepting a student's card or a bank card as the guarantee.
  • The prices are valid only in Nõmme Snow Park.
  • The renter (park's visitor) is obliged to use the rented equipment with care, return the equipment and pay the rent.
  • The renter pays the deposit and the amount of rent in advance and, provided they return the equipment on time and with no problems arising, gets the amount of the pre-paid deposit back.
  • In case of delayed return of equipment the renter shall pay for the whole overdue time in accordance with the price list.
  • The renter shall compensate all the damage caused by them to the equipment in accordance with the expert evaluation carried out by the owner (Snow Park) within three days.
  • The owner has the right to deduct the amount of the pre-paid deposit to cover all the expenses incurred in relation to the damages.
  • In case of theft all the responsibility is borne by the renter and they shall compensate the damages according to the expert evaluation of the owner.
  • The price list for damaged equipment is held in Nõmme Snow Park.

Red Slope


Blue slope


Green slope


Price list

  • Ski rent
  • Snowboard rent
  • Mountain tickets
  • Lessons

Private lessons